Thursday, November 15, 2012

Building concept #2

We where asked to continue to develop our concepts and idea with another model. Here is another concept based on a collaboration of all the other models. 

In the center of the two buildings I was going to attempt to have the elevators and a walkway to walk to each of the buildings in opposite directions. One building would be the casino and the other would be for the rest of the program.   The casino floor will be a few stories lower than the main floor later on in the design. Floor plans will be in the next few post to take a look at a few possibilities for the interior.


  1. This model looks great. What could you change in each building's roof? You can slant them away or towards each other, or to the sun and place solar panels on them. You could have a roof garden too.

    1. thank you. I thought the same about the slanted roofs also. I was also thinking about putting roof top lounges on both buildings along with gardens to give both buildings a different feel from above. i still have not decided yet.

  2. How wide are your buildings? Think of how the buildings might be constructed. What materials would they be made of?

    1. The casino is about 35 feet wide and the main building is about 44 feet wide. I was thinking about a lot of glass and steel for the buildings.Since there will be such nice views I wanted to give everybody in the building something nice to look at.
