Monday, October 15, 2012

Concept design

We were asked to create 3 collages ( 11x17). Models with a 3"x3" base where also required for the collages.

One collage was of our impression of the site that we will be using. This is the collage of my impression of the site. Since this site is by the water you can see I chose  some pictures showing water forms. I also felt a sense of nature because of the park , this feeling is represented by the pictures of leaves and tress.  All these pictures together represent the flow that was at the site.

The second collage was going to be of the word " connection" whatever it was that came to our mind when seeing the word trying to associate it with our work so far.  What was made of the word connection to me was this. Since there is a park right across the street from the site there is always some type of pedestrian traffic. So there is always a sense of connection of with environment and people around you.

The last collage we were asked to make was of the program for our project. This is my collage for the hotel/casino. Since the site is by the water I thought a 5 star hotel/casino would make a nice attraction.

Since there is a casino in my design I also made a collage of what a casino is to me .

  Using two models from the first collage I created this concept model.

Using the last collage of the casino I created this concept model.

Criteria matrix and bubble diagram

We were asked to create a bubble diagram and a criteria matrix chart based on our program.

This is an example of my bubble diagram. The thick red lines represent how close the areas are to one another. The other darker lines represent them not being so close in connection.

This is an example of my criteria matrix using my program for the first floor.